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THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS (Nilotic & Cushitic) & ANCIENT ISRAELITES (Niger-Congo & Bantu)

The Tasian culture is possibly the oldest known Predynastic culture in Upper Egypt, which evolved around 4500 BC…

The Badarian culture is often considered one of the earliest cultures in ancient Egypt and is a part of the Predynastic period…

It existed around 4400–4000 B.C.

The original inhabitants of ancient Kemet were these Predynastic people…

“The Tarifian, Badarian and Tasian cultures of Middle and Upper Egypt have strong ties with the Nubian/Nilotic pastoral tradition, as can be inferred, for instance, by the very similar pottery, economy and settlement pattern and by the latest findings in the deserts surrounding the Egyptian Nile valley” (Gatto 2011b, 2012a, b, 2013)


(Prehistory and Protohistory of Ancient Civilizations; 2015)

In other words, Predynastic ancient Egyptians (4500 B.C. - 3100 B.C.) are more closely related to Nubian / Nilotic peoples…

E1b1b is the dominant haplogroup among modern Egyptians… 

E1b1b is the dominant haplogroup among Somalis & Ethiopians (Cushites)

Sanchez et al. (2005) observed E1b1b in about 77.6% of their Somali male samples…



“Egyptian tradition of the Dynastic Period held that the aboriginal home of the Egyptians was Punt”


(Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, ‘A Short History of the Egyptian People With Chapters on Their Religion, Daily Life, Etc’; 1914)

In other words, Dynastic period Egyptians (2600 B.C. - 1077 B.C.) were most closely related to Cushitic peoples…

Predynastic and Dynastic ancient Egyptians (4500 B.C. - 1077 B.C.) were most closely related to Nilotic and Cushitic peoples who belonged to the e1b1b haplogroup…

Here are some firsthand and scholarly secondhand sources that describe how real Jews looked:—

“…In which mountain there dwell four or five thousand Jews, and are more black than any other color, and if they can get a moor into their hands, they skin him alive”


(Ludovico di Varthema; The Travels of Ludovico Di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia. A. D. 1503 to 1508)

“Going back to the path-breaking work of Sander L. Gilman in the late 1980s, scholars often assert that “a strong European tradition, dating back to the Middle Ages, maintained that the Jews were ‘black’ or at least swarthy” (Melamed 2003, p. 31)

“In medieval literature a theory prevailed in which the Jews were part of the black race, or were at least dark-skinned” (Shavit 2001, p. 182)

“The general ‘look’ of the Jew was considered to be like that of the black” (Parfitt 2013, p. 6)

“Jewish blackness sometimes means that the Jews were quite literally seen as black” (Gilman 1994, p. 372)

“The general consensus of the ethnological literature of the late nineteenth century was that the Jews were ‘black’ or, at least, ‘swarthy’” (Gilman 1994, p. 368)

Scottish ethnologist Robert Knox (1793–1862), writes explicitly about “the African character of the Jew” (quoted in Gilman 1994, p. 372)

Knox considers the “Jewish, Coptic and Gipsy races” to be “the dark races of man” (Knox 1850, p. 300)

The Jews for Knox definitely are (what is nowadays called) so called Blacks:—“there is no mistaking the race when pure: it is Egyptian, that is, African” (Knox 1850, p. 300)


(Jewish Culture and History Volume 8, Issues 1-3; 2006)

(Abraham Melamed, The Image of the Black in Jewish Culture A History of the Other; 2003)

(Yaacov Shavit, History in Black African-Americans in Search of an Ancient Past; 2013)

(Tudor Parfitt, Hybrid Hate Conflations of Antisemitism and Anti-Black Racism from the Renaissance to the Third Reich; 2020)

(Les Back, John Solomos, Theories of Race and Racism; 2000)

(Tudor Parfitt, Yulia Egorova, Genetics, Mass Media and Identity A Case Study of the Genetic Research on the Lemba; 2006)

(Robert Knox, The Races of Men A Fragment; 1850)

“The contention has been made that the extraneous element of the Bantu was derived from tribes of Israel which were first carried away to Babylon, as related in the Scriptures, and who afterward in whole or in part migrated through Egypt into equatorial Africa, and, through mingling with native tribes, upon whom they imposed much of their own religion and customs, gave rise to the peoples now known as Bantu…”


(N. B. Ghormley, ‘The Land of the Heart of Livingstone Or, The Genius of the Bantu’; 1920)

“At this day also the Abassins affirm that upon the Nilus [Nile] towards the west there inhabiteth a most populous nation of the Jewish stock under a mightie king. And some of our modern cosmographers set down a province in those quarters which they call the land of the Hebrews, placed as it were under the equinoctial, in certain unknown mountains, between the confines of Abassin and Congo”


(John Pory, ‘A Geographical Historie of Africa’; 1600)

“Sargon, or Sennacherib, the successor of Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria, having continued the war commenced by his predecessor, conquered the Kingdom of Israel, and brought the captive Jews and their King Hosea to his country (circa 722 B.C.), and from thence they eventually found their way into Abyssinia and Ethiopia.”

“After the destruction of Jerusalem by
Vespasian in 70 A.D., large numbers of Jews fled or drifted into Ethiopia, Abyssinia, and the neighbouring territories.”


(Sidney Mendelssohn, ‘The Jews of Africa Especially in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries’; 1920)

On old maps, Abyssinia = Ethiopia and Ethiopia = Sub Saharan Africa

“Ancient Ghana was created by Jewish settlers about 300 A.D. in the area west of Timbuktu in modern Mali…”


(The New Encyclopædia Britannica: Micropædia; 1993)

“The Akan people of Ghana result from an ancient southward emigration of Libyo-Berbers, who were cousins to the pre-Hellenic population of Greece [Pelasgians?] from the Sahara desert oasis; and their intermarriage at Timbuctoo with Niger River Negroes. In the eleventh century A.D., they moved still further south to what is now modern Ghana"


(Robert Graves, ‘The Greek Myths’; 1955)

“Akan culture and civilization is not “Negro-African” in origin, but can be classed, on the whole, as Libyo-Phoenician or Carthaginian”


(Eva L. E. Meyerowitz, ‘The Akan of Ghana: their ancient beliefs’; 1959)

“The Supreme Being not only of the Ashanti and allied tribes, but most probably of the whole of Negro Land as well, is not the God of the Christians which, at a comparatively recent date, was superimposed on the various tribal beliefs by ministers of the Gospel: but the Yahweh of the Hebrews, and that too of the Hebrews of pre-exilic times”


(R. Patai, 'The Ritual Approach to Hebrew-African Culture Contact', in Jewish Social Studies 24; 1962)

“According to Oyo-Yoruba tradition, the ancestral Yoruba saw the Assyrian conquests of the Israelite kingdom from the ninth and the eighth centuries B.C. from the perspective of the Israelites…

After the fall of Samaria in 722 B.C., they were deported to eastern Syria and adopted the ruling Assyrian kings as their own…

After the defeat of the Egypto-Assyrian forces at Carchemish in Syria in 605 B.C. numerous deportees followed the fleeing Egypto-Assyrian troops to the Nile valley, before continuing their migration to sub-Saharan Africa…”




“That the Yorubas came originally from the East there cannot be the slightest doubt, as their habits, manners and customs, etc., all go to prove…

The inhabitants of this province (Yarba) it is supposed originated from the remnant of the children of Canaan, who were of the tribe of Nimrod…

The cause of their establishment in the West of Africa was, as it is stated, in consequence of their being driven by Yar-rooba, son of Kahtan, out of Arabia to the Western Coast between Egypt and Abyssinia…

From that spot they advanced into the interior of Africa, till they reach Yarba where they fixed their residence…

On their way they left in every place they stopped at, a tribe of their own people…

Thus it is supposed that all the tribes of the Soudan who inhabit the mountains are originated from them as also are the inhabitants of Ya-ory…

It is known that the descendants of Nimrod were led in war to Arabia, that they settled there, and from thence they were driven by a religious persecution to Africa…

Again, that they emigrated from Upper Egypt to Ile Ife may also be proved by those sculptures commonly known as the "Ife Marbles," several of which may be seen at He Ife to this day, said to be the handiwork of the early ancestor of the race…

They are altogether Egyptian in form…

From these statements and traditions, the only safe deductions we can make as to the mosit probable origin of the Yorubas are : —

1. That they sprang from Upper Egypt, or Nubia.

2. That they were subjects of the Egyptian conqueror Nimrod, who was of Phoenician origin, and that they followed him in his wars of conquest as far as Arabia, where they settled for a time…”


(The history of the Yorubas : from the earliest times to the beginning of the British Protectorate; 1921)

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