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Story: The Proud Actor

One day, an American Actor was on the airplane to go to a country in Europe.  He was sitting in the First Class section of the airplane.
Suddenly, a tall man walked over to him and told him how much his family loved his movies.  The man asked for an autograph so that he could give it to his children.

The actor ignored the man.  He turned his face to the window and pretended that he didn’t hear the request.

When the plane was about to land, the actor looked out of the window and saw a welcoming team with military officials coming to the airplane.

This actor thought that the welcoming team was coming to welcome him.

Then, he realized that the welcoming team was coming for the tall man who had requested an autograph from him.  

The welcoming team came and saluted the man and escorted him out of the airplane.  Only then, the actor realized that the man who had requested an autograph from him was the king of that country.

This actor realized that he had ignored the king of that country.

The actor was very ashamed of himself and realized that he had to become humble.

Years later, when the actor was old, he had cancer and was about to die.  The reporters asked him what was the biggest lesson he had learned in his life.  The actor told the reporters this story and said that the biggest lesson he had learned in life was to be humble.

Jesus wants us to be humble and to treat other people with love.  Let us look out for the needs of others and help them.

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