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History of Miri. Long Atip Air Strip on the Apoh river

The Borneo Evangelical Mission BEM (or SIB) built an airstrip in Long Atip by 1953. This Kayan settlement had had a primary school as early as the beginning of the 1950's.
Besides, the first Paramount Chief of the Kayans, the late Penghulu Anyie Ngau came from this settlement.

Some people may have read about Bruce Morton (missionary)or Panai, his local name, and how he flew Austers(plane) which later were replaced by Pioneers. (Sarawak Gazette).

Photos : 
Stamp showing Kayan Girl and Boy.
2. Auster at Lutong Airstrip. Australian War Memorial Photo.
3. Ken Cooper and Bruce Morton (Panai) in 1956)

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