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Earliest Recorded Chinese Dynasty: The Shang Dynasty

Teaching Moment.   

Earliest Recorded Chinese Dynasty:  
The Shang Dynasty, also known as the Yin Dynasty, ruled in the Yellow River valley during the second millennium BC.
It succeeded the Xia Dynasty and was followed by the Western Zhou Dynasty. 

Archaeological Evidence:
The Shang Dynasty is the earliest dynasty of traditional Chinese history supported by archaeological findings.
Excavations at Yinxu (near modern-day Anyang) revealed major royal tombs, palaces, and ritual sites containing weapons, animal, Oracle Bones and 

Early Writing:
The Anyang site yielded the earliest known Chinese writing inscribed on oracle bones—usually turtle shells or ox scapulae.
These inscriptions provide insights into politics, economy, religion, art, and medicine of ancient China. 

Math, Astronomy, and Art:
People of the Shang Dynasty used calendars and developed knowledge of astronomy and math.
Artisans created sophisticated bronze works, ceramics, and jade trinkets using innovative techniques. 

Shang Capitals and Legacy:
The Shang capital shifted over time, with Anyang becoming the primary center.
Their legacy includes advancements in various fields and their eventual fall to the Zhou Dynasty3.
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