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Kushite Civilizations as being older than that of Egypt

The Puranas (the ancient historical books of India), speak of the Kushite Civilizations as being older than that of Egypt.

These Sanskrit books mention the names of ancient Kushite kings who were revered in India whose names were adopted and modified according to the fancy of the later people of Greece and Rome.

The Hindu Puranas speak of the Kushites traveling to India, passing through Egypt, proving that the Dravidian Civilizations were contemporary with those of Chaldea (Sumer) and the Nilotic countries.

These ancient texts also report that the Egyptians were a colony drawn from the Kusha-Dwipa and that the Palli (Peleset in medu Netjer) another colony which formed the Canaanites, had followed them from the land of Kush.

In these ancient times, the central seat of ancient Ethiopia was not modern-day Meroe, which was already very ancient, but a kingdom even further south which had preceded it by several centuries, which called Meru whose deified King was the principal representative of the supreme energy, and suggesting that it was during this period that early India was colonized by settlers from Inner Africa

This is why the first authors said that there was very little difference in the color or characteristics of the inhabitants of these two countries inhabited by Ethiopians.

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