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1. Africa was called Alkebulan (mother of

2. Africa ruùed the wòrld for 15,○○○ years.

3. Richèst man in history is an African King
(Mànsa Mùsa).

4. Africa civilized mànkind.

5. In 1964 a hematite mine was found in Swaziland at Bomvu Ridge in the Ngwenya mountain range. Ultimately 3○○,○○○ artifacts were recovered including thousands of stone-made mining tools. Adrian Boshier, one of the archaeologists on the site, dated the mine to a staggering 43,2○○ years old.

6. Africans were the first to organise fishing.
expeditions 9○,○○○ years ago at Katanga, Congo.

7. Africans càrved the world's first colossal
sculpture 7,○○○ years ago.

8. The ancient Egyptians had Afro combs.

9. African Kings rùled India.

10. Africa is a home to World's òldest University.

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