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Burundi 🇧🇮 is a small republic in the heart of the African 🌍continent

Burundi 🇧🇮 is a small republic in the heart of the African 🌍continent, very close to the region known as the Great Lakes. The country has a border with the Congo, Tanzania and Rwanda, with a population of almost 9 million inhabitants and hardly an extension of 28,000 kilometers, The population of Burundi is divided into three major ethnic groups: Hutus, Tusti and Twa, mostly Hutu with almost 85% of the population.

The financial hub city of Burundi is Bujumbura , has a population of about 455,000 inhabitants. Buyumbura is the main and largest city of Burundi, located on the banks of the Tanganyika. The economic activities carried out in the city are derived from the soap industry, cement and textile production.

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