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Egyptian period of HYKSOS rule (1638 B.C. - 1530 B.C.)

Egyptian period of KUSHITE rule (746 to 653 B.C.)

Egyptian period of ASSYRIAN rule (673 B.C. - 663 B.C.)

Egyptian period of PERSIAN rule (525 B.C. - 404 B.C.)

Egyptian period of GREEK rule (332 B.C. - 30 B.C.)

Egyptian period of ROMAN rule (30 B.C. - 627 A.D)

Egyptian period of ARAB rule (627 A.D. - 868 A.D.)

The first Turkish dynasty was that of Ibn Tulun who entered Egypt in 868…

Turks have Ruled Egypt ever since…

Egyptian period of TURK (Mamluke) rule (1250 A.D. - 1516 A.D.)

Egyptian period of OTTOMAN TURK rule (1516 A.D. - 1918)

Egyptian period of TURK Mulatto / quadroon, octoroon rule (1952 - present)

Mamluk, meaning "possessed”, “one who is owned"; and “property” is an Arabic designation for so called white slaves…
The term is most commonly referring to white slaves who were assigned military and administrative duties, serving the ruling Arab dynasties in the Muslim world…

Historically it has come to mean exclusively TURKIC SLAVE SOLDIER…

The word ‘slave’ comes from the Slavs—(Ivanka Trump’s peoples)

However, they don’t teach their children they came from slaves…

According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million whites were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries…

Approximately 1 Million so called whites were sold as slaves in North Africa…

Today, the descendants of these white slaves (Octoroons and Quadroons) in North Africa claim to be the descendants of the original inhabitants of North Africa…
These people are not descendants of the ancient Egyptians or ancient Berbers…

They are the descendants of Ottoman Turks and Turkic slaves (Mamluks)

Over a million whites were held as slaves from the 1530s through the 1780s in North Africa, and hundreds of thousands were kept as slaves by the Ottomans in eastern Europe and Asia…

If Ancient Egyptians were white, why they came to build pyramids in Africa instead of Europe? 🤔

If the truth will kíĺl them, let them dîé.👇

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