The Fulani and Tuareg are nomadic and pastoralist ethnic groups spread across several countries in West Africa, including Nigeria, Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Libya and Algeria…
When the Phoenicians migrated over the Mediterranean to the west and established their city of Carthage, they had people with Y-DNA E-M81…
The language they spoke was Phoenician which later evolved in dialects and languages that we now know as Berber languages…
The Berber (and Tuareg) languages follow the Y-DNA characteristics and are the result of migrations from Phoenicia…
“A large portion of the brown and black tribes of Northern Africa, as has been shown, belong to the same family as that which first originated commerce, which invented the alphabet, produced the sublime Hebrew poetry and Arabian science…
The Semitic negro can certainly never be considered by the worshippers under a Semitic religion as inferior in blood to themselves…
Still another group of peoples, both brown and black—many fully black—are descendants of that family which erected the ancient empires on the Euphrates, and which, unknown centuries ago, built the pyramid-tombs on the Nile, and founded the gloomy art, the artificial civilization, and the science of Egypt…”
(Charles Loring Brace, ‘The Races of the old world’; 1863)
Haber et al. (2016) confirms that these Semites or Eurasians migrated back into Africa, carried R1b, and were more closely related to [and resembled] populations in the central Sahel; northern Cameroon, northern Nigeria, Chad and Niger…
In other words, people who were most closely related to (and resembled) the Hausa, Fulani and Tuareg lived in Europe and Asia prior to migrating back to Africa and settling near and around Lake Chad…
Descendants of Ham [not the Negro / Bantu] included the Egyptians and Sumerians, who founded the first two great empires of antiquity, as well as other great nations such as the Phoenicians, Hittites, and Canaanites…
Among the many ways in which so called blacks have been the great pioneers and originators of mankind are the following:—
(1) They were the original explorers and settlers of practically all parts of the world, following the dispersion at Babel
(2) They were the first cultivators of most of the basic food staples of the world, such as potatoes, corn, beans, cereals, and others, as well as the first ones to domesticate most animals
(3) They developed most of the basic types of structural forms and building tools and materials
(4) They were the first to develop most of the usual fabrics for clothing and the various sewing and weaving devices
(5) They discovered and invented a wide variety of medicines and surgical practices and instruments.
(6) They invented most of the concepts of basic practical mathematics, as well as surveying and navigation
(7) The machinery of commerce and trade-money, banks, postal systems, and so forth—was developed by them
(8) They developed paper, ink, block printing, movable type, and other accouterments of writing and communication
If one traces back far enough, he will find that practically every other basic device or system needed for man's physical sustenance or convenience originated with one of the Hamitic peoples.
Truly, so called blacks have been the pioneers of mankind in a most amazing way…