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The 36 States of Anloland

1. Anyanui – comprises of Atiteti, Ƒuveme, Agorkedzi, Kpɔkpɔgbɔ, Bomigo, and Tunu

2. Dzita – comprises of Agbledomi, Bateƒe, and Akplɔwotɔkɔ

3. Atɔkɔ (Atorkor)– comprises of Amegatsekɔƒe and Dakɔdzi

4. Srɔgboe which goes a long way to cover the town of Salo

5. Whuti ( Ʋuti) – comprises of the Genui (Ɣenui) town and other minor villages

6. Aŋlɔga which is the main seat of the Overlord of the Aŋlɔ land and where everything happens

7. Woe an immediate neighbour of Aŋlɔga and Tegbi

8. Tegbi which is popular among the Aŋlɔ's as ‘Kumatsoagbegbor’

9. Dzelukoƒe (‘Whuga’ alo ‘Zomayi’ si lor Vui, Tetekɔƒe, Tetevikɔƒe, kple Nukpesekɔƒe de eme).

10. Keta – comprises of Abutiakɔƒe, Kedzikɔƒe, and Adzido

11. Vodza, a town that covers the new Zongo

12. Kedzi which shares a land boundary with Blekusu along the Keta-Aƒlao road

13. Blekusu lone-standing towns around the coastal lines of the Aŋlɔ land best known for marine fishing.

14. Agavedzi which is found along the Keta-Aƒlao stretch

15. Adina which comprises Amutinu, Agɔko, and other small villages

16. Adafienu, a place of fish harvest

17. Denu which covers Xedzranawo, and Akame

18. Aƒlao, called among the Anlos as ‘Flawu’ which covers Vieƒe, Avoeme, Whudoaba (Ʋuɖɔba). and other villages

19. Agbozume, the home of Nogokpo, and Sonuto

20. Klikɔ, a land of great people which share borders with Agbozume

21. Afiaɖenyigba which comprises Tengekɔƒe and some other adjoining communities

22. Weta (Ʋeta) covers Avalavi or Awhalavi( Aʋalavi), Klenɔmadi, Atiteti Exi, Adzortsi, and others

23. Afiƒe in the dialect as ‘Afife’ which covers Agɔvega, Tsiyinu, Kpɔkuve, Vume, Whute(Ʋute), Woxaʋu, and other villages

24. Abɔlɔve – ŋɔlɔƒi/Nolofi, a popular town of great heritage

25. Anyako-Konu, a land that covers Efe, and Seva

26. Sasieme which is originally pronounced as Fiasienyeame

27. Abor(Abɔ) is a town that comes with Heluvi, Atsiame, Weme, Kutsime, and Kutsidzi

28. Tsiame comes with the villages of Netsime, Dɔveme, and others that might sprout up

29. Asaɖame, a neighbour to the Tsiame community

30. Atiavi which in the olden days was called ”Adina” covers Hatɔgodo, Agɔvinu, Lawoasime, Hɔtagbɔ, Gbetuinu, Aveli and some other villages.

31. Kome as a town covers Fiaxor, Kodzi, Deta, Atito, Lãtame, and Alakple.

32. Shime, a big and that habours Tregui, Adzato, Agortoe, Klomikpota, Akploefudzi, Azanu, Banadzi, Nyikutɔ, Trekume, Bleamezado, Dosookɔƒe, Sakome, Hadota and others

33. Avenɔ which moves away from main Aŋlɔ to cover Avenɔƒeme, Avenɔƒedo, Dzogadze, Xavi, Akatsi, Xikpo, Whute (Ʋute), and Atidzive.

34. Penyi (Ƒenyi) is a suburb of Dzodze that comprises Kpoglu and some other towns

35. Dzodze is a town that covers Kuli, Tadzeʋu, Xevi, and other villages

36. Ave which comes with Afiadenyigba, Havi, Ɖakpa and their environs

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