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The Moors, a diverse and dynamic civilization that flourished

The Moors, a diverse and dynamic civilization that flourished for several centuries, played a significant role in shaping the history and culture of the Iberian Peninsula and beyond. This video explores the origins, achievements, and lasting impact of the Moors, shedding light on their contributions to science, art, architecture, and social advancements. From their arrival in the eighth century to their ultimate decline, the Moors left an indelible mark on the regions they inhabited, leaving behind a rich and complex legacy that continues to be appreciated and studied today.

The Moors, an Islamic civilization originating from North Africa and the Arab world, began their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 CE. Led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, they swiftly overcame the Visigothic kingdom, establishing the Umayyad Caliphate's rule. The Moors' initial conquests focused on the southern regions, gradually expanding their influence across the peninsula.

Some facts about the Moors in Europe are as follows:

Many new fruits and vegetables were brought to Europe by the Moors.

The Moors brought many fruits and veggies to Spain and Europe that had never been seen before, so they were seen as strange and exotic. Peaches, lemons, oranges, saffron, cotton, rice, silk, sugar cane, apricots, figs, dates, pomegranates, and many other things were among these goods. Even though these things are familiar today, they were almost unknown to the Spanish in the Middle Ages. Today, after hundreds of years, they are important parts of the Spanish economy and food.

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