"Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has proposed an amendment to the Organic Law on the Duties and Responsibilities of Leadership, aiming to impose stricter penalties including five-year dismissal from office on leaders who fail to submit their annual statements. The proposed amendment also includes substantial penalties for individuals who obstruct the Ombudsman Commission (OC) or intimidate and interfere with witnesses."
The PNG Anti-Corruption Movement for Change (PNGACMC) welcomes the proposed amendment to Organic Law on Duties and Responsibilities of Leadership by Prime Minister but supports the call by Hon. Kerenga Kua that penalties should be harsher.
PNGACMC see the proposed amendment of Penalties of K5000 or 12 months imprisonment as hardly a declaration against corruption. PNGACMC does not see this as much of a deterrence and believes harsher penalties of K250,000 fine or 3-5 years imprisonment will ensure that MPs submit proper and timely reports.
Also PNGACMC notes that currently the Ombudsman Commission has been operating for a long time with only two Commissioners and that has raised issues of bias as the Chief Commisionner who is a political appointee has two votes on the board. The bias issue is raised when thee Chief Commissioner has two votes on the board which must be counter balanced by immediate appointments of 1 or 3 more Commissioners.
As the Chairman of the Appointments Committee for the Ombudsman Commission the Prime Minister must not delay any longer and ensure those appointments are made forthwith to carry out the proposed amendments.
PNGACMC also does not agree that K5000 fine and dismissals for five years from public office is deterrence enough for Leadership malpractice. PNGACMC suggests that if the Marape-Rosso want to demonstarte that they are serious about addressing leadership malpractice and corruption, penalties should be increased to "life ban" and K1 Million or more minimum in fines.
The current status of the Ombudsman Commisison and the new proposed amendment clearly demonstrates that the Marape-Rosso does not fully appreciate Papua New Guineas corruption rating index.
Dilu D. Okuk
PNG Anti-Corruption Movement for Change